Kiki en equilibrio
It is a cognitive stimulation video game built for patients with neurodevelopmental disorders (Autism and Epilepsy). Its objective is to develop working memory, inhibitory control and cognitive updating.
The game has the endorsement of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, and the data collection must be previously approved by the Father, Mother or Guardian. During the game session, behaviors are collected and then analyzed to validate correct stimulation and improvement.
Currently (and until mid-March 2022) an investigation directed by Mariano Scandar is being carried out in order to document and create an academic paper that allows us to share the real impact of the video game.
Drag the cart to collect the correct piece.
Random level generation.
Three different recipes.
Working Memory function stimulation.
Cognitive inhibition function stimulation.
Updating function stimulation.
How do all functions work at the same time in a specific moment of the Gameplay.
The pieces are piled up inside the cart while the player progress on the combination.
We force the player to use a mental representation of the recipe by hiding the recipe during gameplay.
How do all functions work at the same time in a specific moment of the Gameplay.